

2009年08月14日 10:17:59来源: 湖南昌森离心机商务中心

     为了能够更加卓有成效的开放市场和方便各省市的客户交流,公司除了在各省市主要城市成立办事机构外。还专门成立了一个离心机商务中心。为客户提供了一个心贴心的交流平台。在风雨的几十年中,各办事机构都取得了丰硕的成果。我们深深地知道这些成果的取得与各用户单位的密切支持是分不开的。在新的世纪里,面对来自同行业的挑战与竞争,我们不仅加强了科研的投入,更加强了市场开发与维护。同时我们也深深地知道只有这样把握好了质量关、服务做到位,才能打造好的品牌。商务中心主要负责市场开发保证所售离心机及配件一律以厂价销售,真正做到*销售、服务,不赚一分钱。在此我们对在过去几十年中一如既往地给予公司支持与厚爱的国内外新老客户表示由衷的感谢,在未来的日子里,我们依然真诚的希望能够得到你们的支持 !

       湖南昌森离心机商务中心湖南总部:(24小时)服务 欧阳嫥 阿森
    Xiangtan Centrifuge Plant is now larger, the product series of professional manufacturer of centrifuges, centrifuge manufacturing areas in Hunan is the largest industry manufacturers. (Market Development Department of Hunan Chang Sen centrifuge Business Center is mainly responsible for market development and maintenance), the company covers an area of 100,000 square meters; the existing staff of 280 people (including all types of engineering and technical personnel 80 people); have total assets of 6,000 million yuan, is There are eight large-scale plant, processing all types of testing equipment more than 200 sets of production capacity up to 1,000 centrifuges / year production capacity is 8,000 yuan / year. The company more than 40 years of development, is capable of producing more than 20 series, more than 100 kinds of specifications models of centrifuges, centrifuges for domestic varieties of the largest, most homogeneous specifications. In recent years, related industries to adapt to the urgent need for solid-liquid separation, the company stepped up the development of product upgrades and serialization, especially in the domestic Sodium Sulfate, the soda plant, ammonium chloride, flue gas desulfurization plant, metallurgical coking industry gypsum sulfur filters, environmental wastewater treatment, feed-grade calcium salt, zinc sulfate centrifuge separation on the development and application at the domestic leading level, and mastery of the relevant patented technology.
 Mechanical separation of the company as a domestic country and the drafting of industry-standard units, many assumed the part of the centrifuge and related technology in the drafting of national standards, issued by the National Development and Reform Commission approval.
      In order to be more effective to open markets and facilitate the exchange of provincial and municipal customers, the company in addition to major cities in various provinces and municipalities to set up outside the offices. Also set up a business center centrifuge. Provide customers with a platform-heart. In the wind and rain in the past decades, the office has achieved fruitful results. We are deeply aware of these results achieved with the close support of the user units are inseparable. In the new century, in the face of challenges from the same industry and competition, we have not only strengthened the input of scientific research, but also to strengthen the development and maintenance of the market. At the same time we also know that the only way a deep grasp of the quality of service possible, and to create a good brand. Business Center is mainly responsible for market development to ensure that the sale of centrifuges and accessories are priced to sell, really nil sales, full service, do not earn a penny. In this we have in the past few decades, as always, support and love to give the company new and old customers at home and abroad to express my sincere thanks, in the days to come, we still sincerely hope you can support!
    Chang Sen Hunan Hunan Business Center headquarters centrifuges provide the following services:
  1 integration of the major advantages of centrifuge manufacturer resources, to the vast number of customers to provide a platform for the exchange of business. Quality and quantity in the premise, to avoid unnecessary price wars, the implementation of fair competition. To ensure that users at a reasonable price to be effective under a full range of services.
  2 of the centrifuge to provide customers with technical advice and information. Materials according to different requirements of customers, to help customers Selection to determine the quantities purchased, purchase of equipment to reduce blindness.
  3 to provide the centrifuge manufacturer for various models of centrifuges, give full play to the advantage of the manufacturers so that customers know the root and recognition of a wrong not to spend money.
  4 for small and medium-sized chemical enterprises adjust idle centrifuges and accessories (Business Center with second-hand centrifuges Services: 10 after the existing technological transformation of the WH-800 horizontal piston pusher centrifuges, greatly increased production capacity. 2 Chongqing Jiangbei production of HR-500 Horizontal two-stage pusher centrifuge, while the basis of Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, some customers have special spot in stores, selling home Zhangjiagang factory production of centrifuges SS/600 1000 Series three-foot centrifuge)
  5 to provide customers with timely and effective after-sales service, to avoid unnecessary issues.
  6 large centrifuge to collect customer information to reflect manufacturers to help the relevant departments to give feedback.
        Chang Sen Hunan Hunan centrifuge Headquarters Business Center: (24 hours) ephone services 0731-8/57/4/57/67 / Ouyang zhuan   Assen
       Changsha, Shaoshan Road Yuhua District 10-110 Electrical Market C


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